Designed for individuals with strong anatomy training, a minimum of three years experience teaching dance, fitness or movement, and familiarity with the works of Joseph Pilates, these intensive, hands-on courses will prepare you to teach the complete repertoire of STOTT PILATES exercises effectively and with confidence.
course IMP Intensive Mat-Plus level one
winter 2004 3 weekends 40 hours instruction
Jan 23, 24, 25 | Feb 21, 22 | Feb 27, 28, 29
Fri 2pm-8pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 9am-3pm (includes 1 hour break daily)
A written & practical exam is required for certification
exam may be taken within six month's of completing course(s)
If you have previously taken a STOTT PILATES course and you would like to be examined please contact the facility where you did your training to book an appointment.
Space is limited! To register or for costs and additional information regarding these courses, email
for a list of required (and optional) course materials, please click here
STOTT is recognized by the American Council on Exercise* as a Continuing Education Specialist.
The intensive courses above are recommended for certified fitness instructors, personal trainers, and other fitness & health professionals who want to expand their knowledge and enhance their business. Applicants must have, at least three years experience teaching fitness, dance or movement, familiarity with the works of Joseph Pilates, formal anatomy training and a working knowledge of muscle origins, insertions and functions, in order to attend the course.
The STOTT PILATESIntensive Mat Plus (IMP) course is a prerequisite,
though applicants do not need to have taken their exam prior to the ISP
University of Oregon, Dept of Dance
161 Gerlinger Annex
1214 University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 97403-1214
phone: 541-346-4133
fax: 541-346-3380
This course is presented by Pacific Northwest Pilates in Portland Oregon.
Visit Pacific Northwest Pilates at
Getting There
see map of Eugene see map of campus
By plane: The Eugene Airport, located approximately ten miles from downtown and campus, is serviced by United Airlines, Horizon Air, America West and flights connecting from any number of major airlines. You may also choose to fly into Portland and drive two hours south to Eugene. For Eugene Airport Information, call 541-687-5544
By train or bus: For Amtrak, call 1-800-872-7245
For Greyhound-Trailways in Eugene 541-344-6265
Lane Transit District (local bus service) 541-687-5555
By car: A.. From the Eugene Airport: Follow Highway 99 until it becomes Seventh Avenue. Get in the right lane and follow Seventh Avenue until it becomes Franklin Boulevard. Get in the right lane and follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. Turn right onto Agate and right again onto Thirteenth Avenue. Proceed to the Information Kiosk.
B.. From Portland and the north: From I-5 South, take exit 194B. Take exit 2, keep left and follow the signs to the UO. Proceed in the left lane over the Ferry Street Bridge, exiting onto Broadway, which becomes Franklin Boulevard. Follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. Turn right onto Agate and right again onto Thirteenth Avenue. Proceed to the Information Kiosk.
C.. From Ashland and the south: From I-5 Northbound, take Exit 192. Merge onto Franklin Boulevard. After merging, get in the left lane and follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. Turn left onto Agate, then right onto Thirteenth Avenue. Proceed to the Information Kiosk. |