Purpose of this section is to provide:

Quality, professional STOTT PILATES images

Overview of our Marketing approval process for outside promotional materials

Overview of the STOTT PILATES Marketing & Communications Guidelines and Copyright.
Permission is granted only to the following:
STOTT PILATES images and trademarks may be used to describe and promote STOTT PILATES exclusively and will ONLY be considered for use by:

STOTT PILATES Certified Instructors

STOTT PILATES Corporate Training Centers

STOTT PILATES Licensed Training Centers
Qualified STOTT PILATES Equipment Customers
Note: Use of STOTT PILATES photography is considered unauthorized unless prior written approval is received from STOTT PILATES.
Important: All users are required to comply with the company's Marketing & Communications Guidelines, as well as the Photography Request Procedure.
STOTT PILATES, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to change its Guidelines and Requirements from time-to-time and disallow use of its intellectual property.
Click here to download our current Marketing & Communications Guidelines.
Haga click aquí para descargar nuestro manual de comunicación y marketing en
Sizes & Formats
To review photography, follow links at left. Larger images have been converted to jpeg for a speedy download. Smaller images are in their original eps format. All have been zipped for stability during download. Macintosh computers recognize the zip format and will decompress using "stuffit", click on links under each image for download to begin.
Mandatory Mar/Com Approval Process
6 Easy Steps to Get Your Materials Approved: |
Submit early! By doing so we can provide helpful suggestions during the creative process which may prevent large amounts of edits down the road.
Use the low-res photography available on our online Media Section to create your initial design. The images are password protected.
Sign and review the Photography Request Procedure and Intellectual Property Checklist – and thoroughly review the most recent Marketing and Communications Guidelines.
Due to volume, we require 5-10 business days to properly review and provide feedback/edits on any materials submitted.
Make the necessary updates. Once our feedback/edits have been provided we will wait for your next version to arrive for final review.
Upon final approval of your materials, we will provide the photography username and password required to download the high-resolution images.
Thank you for helping us maintain proper and consistent use of our brand and our images.
For more information, email marketing@stottpilates.com visit stottpilates.com