
may 2002 newsletter
keep up on our latest news, promotions, events and tips |
This May, get 25% off the STOTT PILATES Spine Supporter, Spine Supporter video and Flex-Band combo plus get the Spine Supporter Manual FREE. Save more than $50 off suggested retail prices.
Entire package for only $116.25 (US) | $174.38 (CDN)
For more information, click here
Shipping, handling and applicable taxes are additional.
Offer available for Continental North America Only.
Click to purchase. To validate offer, please input code: SSMY
New this month, we're very excited to add a searchable database to assist you in locating an instructor or studio in your area.
Simply fill out your search criteria and we will email you with the results of available instructors in that area.
Try it out by clicking here.
If you are STOTT certified and don't find yourself included please let us know and we'll make certain you are added. |
..Education |
..In the News
INTERNAL EDUCATION: upcoming courses at the International Certification Center in Toronto, Canada
Certification Courses...
IMP Intensive Mat-Plus
May 27 to June 7 OR July 8 to 19 OR Aug 19 to 30, 2002
IR Intensive Reformer
June 10 to 28, 2002 OR July 22 to Aug 9, 2002
ICCB Intensive Cadillac, Chair & Barrels
July 2 to 19, 2002
CMR Comprehensive Mat & Reformer
Sept 23, 2002 to Jan 16, 2003
ISP Injury & Special Populations
March 25 - 28, 2002
AM, AR, ACCB Advanced Repertoire
July 28 to August 2, 2002
RMR2 Rehab / Peripheral Joint Rehabilitation on Mat & Reformer
May 29 to June 1, 2002
Anatomy Refresher May 3 to 5, call for times
Stability Chair* May 10, 2002, 2-6pm
Essential* Cadillac May 11, 2002, 10-2pm
Power Matwork June 7, 2002, 3-5pm
Stability Ball June 7, 2002, 11am-1pm
Power Reformer June 8, 2002, 10-12pm
Fitness Circle* & Flex-Band July 26, 2002, 4-8pm
Stability Chair* July 27, 2002, 10am-2pm
Please contact Michelle Kahya at ext. 246 to register for these courses and workshops, or email education@stottpilates.com
See the complete list of 2002 Workshops being offered both in Toronto and elsewhere.
EXTERNAL EDUCATION: upcoming courses and workshops being held at locations around the world
Intensive Mat-Plus July 8 to 19, 2002 for more info click here
Lexington, South Carolina
Intensive CC&B begins May 24
Intensive Mat & Reformer begins July 19 Click for more info To register email The Fit Mind and Body or call 803- 356-8900
Joliet, Illinois
offers two workshops on June 15, 2002 click here for more info
Essential* Matwork and Flex-Band* & Fitness Circle*
To register email Jane Underhill or call 800-910-0001 ext. 232
STOTT PILATES Training and Certification courses and workshops are also available at STOTT licensed certification centers throughout North America. Click for details and the center nearest you
This May's issue of Fitness Business Canada features an article on the business of pilates. Several STOTT PILATES instructors / businesswomen were interviewed for this piece.
..Events |
Join us at these upcoming conventions and take advantage of our featured show specials...
1. SAVE $700* off the STOTT Reformer and SAVE $300* off the STOTT Stability Chair* demonstrated at the show.
Quantities are limited. E-mail or call us 1-800-910-0001 ext. 223 to reserve yours. BONUS: Pay no shipping when equipment is picked up at the end of the show. *Some conditions apply. May not be combined with other offers.
2. WIN $250 STOTT DOLLARS for STOTT PILATES training, videos or equipment! Fill out a ballot at our booth.
3. RECEIVE a free t-shirt when you test glide a STOTT Reformer or try a Stability Chair* Workout! Drop by the booth to book your complimentary 20-minute session. Limited to first 50 participants only.
.Pilates Method Alliance
May 3 - 5, 2002 at the Miami Beach Convention Center
Information: www.pilatesmethodalliance.org or 1-866-573-4945 or 305-573-4946
SESSIONS Moira Merrithew will be offering Matwork classes from 8:30am to 9:15am each day. |
Fri. May 3 9:30-10:15am, 12:30-2pm & 3:30-4:15pm
Sat. May 4 9:30-10:15am 12-1:45pm & 3:30-4:15pm
Sun. May 5 9:30-10:15am & 12-1:30pm
.World Fitness IDEA
June 28 July 2, 2002 at the San Diego Convention Center, CA Information: www.ideafit.com or 1-800-999-4332 or 858-535-8979
Friday, June 8
8:30am to 11:40am
Earn 0.4CECs
Stability Chair*
Friday, June 8
Earn 0.4CECs
Power Fitness Circle*
Sunday, June 30
Earn 0.15 CEC
Flex-Band Matwork*
Monday, July 1
2:30pm to 4:20pm
Earn 0.15 CEC
..Featured Exercises |
Use these exercises to improve flexibility at your hip joint and to challenge your abdominals. |
1. starting position |
2. leg across midline |
3. leg away from midline |
4. end position |
find photos above
Lying supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Legs long, one lengthened along mat in line with sit-bone, other leg reaching to ceiling with hip flexed to 90 degrees, ankles plantar flexed, toes gently pointed. Arms long by sides, palms down, scapulae stabilized.
INHALE for first half of circle, bring gesture leg across midline of body, then away.
EXHALE for second half of circle, bring gesture leg away from midline, then toward torso, pausing briefly at top of circle.
Circumduct leg 5 times in one direction, then 5 times in opposite direction.
Repeat with other leg.
This exercise stabilizes the rib cage and scapulae throughout to avoid upper body tension. It allows the femur to move freely in hip socket rather than muscling through movement. Keep the pelvis level, avoiding rotation and lateral tilting. Make circle at hip joint only as large as pelvic stability can be maintained and as smooth as possible.
Exercises excerpted from the new STOTT PILATES Essential Reformer manual and the Comprehensive Matwork manual.
STOTT PILATES manuals also include additional instructional information, and modifications, not published here.
LEG CIRCLES Reformer -- footbar position #1, 2 springs
find photos below
Lie on your back on the reformer with the headrest in a comfortable position and your feet in the straps. Legs parallel and together. Knees bent in toward you, only as far as the tailbone stays on the carriage. Arms resting by your sides shoulders open and relaxed.
TO PREPARE... INHALE, then EXHALE to flatten abdominals down toward spine and extend legs on a diagonal as low as lumbar spine remains imprinted. Be sure to pull the kneecaps up with the quads and avoid "locking" the knees.
THEN ...
INHALE, keeping the legs straight, hinge the legs toward the body with the sense of dropping the weight of the tailbone onto the carriage.
EXHALE to flatten abdominals toward spine, maintaining imprint to keep pelvis stable, and circle legs open, then away from body, bringing them together at bottom of circle. Make a strong inner thigh connection.
Repeat 10 times in this direction, then reverse 10 times.
This exercise strengthens and lengthens the hamstrings at the back of the thigh and the adductors of the inner thigh. It is important to engage the abdominals as the legs reach away to stabilize the pelvis and to keep the tailbone on the carriage as the legs hinge toward the body to promote flexibility at the hip joint.
1. starting position |
2. hinge legs |
3. abduct legs |
4. return |
...All rights reserved. This material, including photographs, may not be copied or used in any form without express permission from Merrithew Corporation.
...TM/R - STOTT PILATES, Fitness Circle, Matwork, Essential, Mat-Plus, Flex-Band are trademarks or registered trademarks of Merrithew Corporation.