Matwork exercises are the cornerstone of the STOTT PILATES method, with numerous exercises and scores of modifications that can be performed in a group fitness or personal training context. Choose from a selection of thick and durable mats for home, gym and studio all designed specifically to protect and cushion the spine through the entire Matwork repertoire.

Thicker than a yoga mat to protect the spine, the Pilates Express mat has integrated velcro straps that allow you to roll and go, making it the perfect mat for toting to the gym or studio. High-quality, closed cell foam provides optimal comfort and durability.
- width 21-3/4"
- length 70"
- thickness 3/8"
Pilates Express Mats are also available in Power Packs with bonus Easy Start poster and workout DVD.
Available in green or blue,
(colors may vary)

Deluxe Pilates Mat
This club-quality pilates mat can be rolled up easily and is a great option for multi-use facilities. Closed-cell foam construction provides comfort and withstands repeated use. Available in green or blue, (colors may vary)
- width 23-1/2"
- length 72"
- thickness 5/8"

Professional Raised Mat
Ideal for pilates studios, the professional raised mat features dense foam padding and a supportive surface that provides faithful proprioceptive feedback. Vinyl upholstery is easy to clean. Available as a single unit or in two sections for easier shipping and storage. Footstrap included.
Available in six standard colors
Click for details
- width 24"
- length 86"
- height 7"
- weight 50 lbs
Bracketed Dowels
The bracketed dowel system can be affixed to raised mats, offering additional width for increased scapular stability. Solid maple construction for durability.

Rubber Pads
Non-slip, rubber pads can be stacked to just the right height to establish correct positioning for exercises.
(colors may vary)
- width 7-1/2"
- length 14"
- thickness 1/2"

Foam Cushions
Ideal for extra comfort and support when performing a wide variety of pilates exercises. Made of high density, closed-cell polyethylene foam. Available in three sizes. (colors may vary)
A ideal for head support
- width 6"
- length 9"
- height 1"
B often used between knees
- width 6"
- length 9"
- height 3"
C for seated exercises
- width 10"
- length 13"
- height 2-1/2"
Matwork Videos
STOTT PILATES has produced three different series of Matwork videos for the fitness professional as well as the home exerciser. These award-winning instructional titles demonstrate fun and effective exercise routines working through a full range of difficulty.
Click for details