STOTT PILATES* Instructors needed in Scottsdale, Arizona
- Fitness Dynamics is a private fitness studio in Scottsdale, Arizona offering group and private training to men and women mornings, days, evenings and weekends.
We are seeking energetic, upbeat full-time, part-time and substitute STOTT PILATES instructors to provide group and private instruction in Matwork*, Reformer, and other equipment (e.g. Cadillac, Barrels).
Qualifications Include:
Experience in Matwork and Reformer (Cadillac, Chair and Barrel a plus), both groups and privates
Prefer at least 1 year of fitness instruction
Require liability insurance, workers comp insurance, and current CPR certification.
Fitness Dynamics is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contract instructors are competitively paid and class schedules may be flexible to meet your schedule.
If you are interested in joining our team, please mail your cover letter, resume, and references to:
Fitness Dynamics Studio, 14335 N Scottsdale Road Ste 400, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Attn: Brenda McDermott or e-mail : fitnessdynamics@earthlink.net
Visit www.fitnessdynamicsstudio.com to learn more

I N T E L L I G E N T ..E X E R C I S E.......P R O F O U N D ..R E S U L T S .* |
Training facilities and others looking for STOTT PILATES instructors, can submit detailed job descriptions for inclusion on our Job Board to postings@stottpilates.com Each listing (approx. 100 words) should include contact information, job description and qualifications.
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