The STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation program is
specifically designed for licensed physical or
occupational therapists, chiropractors and doctors
of sports medicine. Four courses demonstrate how
to integrate modified matwork and equipment
based STOTT PILATES exercises appropriately
into therapeutic conditioning.

Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization:
Matwork & Rehab Reformer - RMR1

Peripheral Joint Stabilization:
Matwork & Rehab Reformer - RMR2

Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization:
Cadillac, Chair & Barrels - RCCB1

Peripheral Joint Stabilization:
Cadillac, Chair & Barrels - RCCB2

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General Course Objectives

Legend of Course Codes

FAQ - Rehabilitation Course Exams

FAQ - Third Party Accreditation

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Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization:
Matwork & Rehab Reformer - RMR1

This course introduces you to the biomechanical principles of STOTT PILATES and their application to modified Matwork, small equipment and Rehab Reformer exercises. Emphasis is on lumbo-pelvic and shoulder girdle stabilization and the role they play in rehabilitation and injury prevention. Participants also learn the following: review of STOTT PILATES basic principles; identifying proper execution and movement patterns; effective verbal cueing and imagery; clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method; and over 90 exercises, plus multiple modifications.

Over 90 exercises plus multiple modifications 

24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching


Applications are accepted from the following licensed or certified professionals only:

Your approved application.

Physiotherapists/Physical Therapists or Physical Therapist Assistants

Occupational Therapists



Medical Doctors or Sports Medicine Doctors

professional with a minimum of 2 years of full time study from a certifying/licensing/degree granting institution in anatomy, physiology, injury prevention, exercise prescription with clinical experience, and has been granted the right to assess, diagnose, treat, and prescribe for the rehabilitation and/or prevention of injuries


24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching

Conducted over four days



Required Course Materials

Peripheral Joint Stabilization:
Matwork & Rehab Reformer - RMR2

This course builds on the biomechanical and stabilization principles learned in RMR1, keeping the emphasis on core stability while mobilizing the peripheral joints. These exercises are designed to prevent and rehabilitate common injuries by balancing and strengthening muscles around the joints in order to restore and maintain healthy movement patterns. Participants also learn the following: a focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle; clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method; and over 45 new exercises, plus multiple modifications.

A focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle

Over 45 new exercises plus multiple modifications 

24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching




24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching

Conducted over four days



Required Course Materials

Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization:
Cadillac, Chair & Barrels - RCCB1

Learn how to incorporate the different levels of resistance and support provided by the Cadillac Trapeze Table, Stability Chair and Barrels to improve mobilization and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic region and shoulder girdle, with an emphasis on their roles in injury prevention and rehabilitation. Participants also learn the following: review of STOTT PILATES basic principles; identifying proper execution and movement patterns; effective verbal cueing and imagery; clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method; and over 70 exercises, plus multiple modifications.

Over 70 exercises plus multiple modifications 

24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching




16 hours of instruction and supervised teaching

Conducted over three days



Required Course Materials

Peripheral Joint Stabilization:
Cadillac, Chair & Barrels - RCCB2

Learn how to stabilize the musculo-skeletal structures with a widely varied series of non weight-bearing and weight-bearing exercises. You will begin by targeting the upper and lower extremities and enabling isolation of the joints while maintaining core stability. You then learn how to help patients and clients progress to weight-bearing exercises in order to improve functional alignment and core stability. This course introduces more intermediate level exercises and return to sport and activity progressions. Participants also learn the following: a focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle; clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method; and over 45 new exercises, plus multiple modifications.

A focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle

Over 50 new exercises plus multiple modifications

16 hours of instruction and supervised teaching


RMR1, RMR2 and RCCB1


16 hours of instruction and supervised teaching

Conducted over three days



Required Course Materials

STOTT PILATES is recognized by the American Council on Exercise, Can-Fit-Pro,
the College of Massage Therapy of Ontario as a continuing education provider.

* Trademark or registered trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under license.
All material copyright Merrithew Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.
This material, including photographs, may not be copied or used in any form
without express permission from Merrithew Corporation.