Train your staff on-site in convenient weekend or weekday modules with our Hosting program, designed so instructors can incorporate course material into their classes after the initial hours of training. Training costs can be defrayed by opening registration to your local fitness community - we assist you with marketing and registration support; and volume discounts on required equipment.
As a host facility, you do the promotion and registration, and you reap the benefits. STOTT PILATES can provide relevant images, logos and trademarks for your use. We'll also announce your courses on our high-traffic web site. Preferred discounts are available on required support materials and equipment. STOTT PILATES also offers ongoing marketing support, a referral program and continuing education opportunities following certification.
To learn more:
Contact our education department by email education@stottpilates.com, or call toll-free 1-800-910-0001.
Courses Feature

STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainers, the highest caliber in the industry

STOTT PILATES biomechanical principles and their applications

Strategies for designing effective one-on-one and group pilates classes

Programming, modifications & variations

Effective cueing & motivational techniques

Training modules building towards certification

Small classes for optimal learning

Customization to meet your needs

Professional support materials, instructional videos & equipment
Added Value

Integrated system for all your education & equipment needs

Marketing support to ensure your success

Ongoing support from STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainers

Access to the STOTT PILATES Network for professional tips & client referrals

Programming & business solutions for long-term profitability

Precision commercial equipment

Maximum of 12 students per Instructor Trainer.

Intensive and Group SPX courses require a working knowledge of functional anatomy, 30 hours of pilates training and three-plus years experience teaching movement or fitness. Advanced courses require the completion of the respective intensive-level courses.

In addition to in-class hours, each intensive or Group SPX module requires additional hours of observation, physical review and practice teaching.

Certification is dependent on the successful completion of a written and practical exam. Exam fees are additional. Exams must be taken within six months of the last course completed.

Host facility is responsible for booking and paying for Instructor Trainer accommodation, if applicable.

Host facility will be invoiced for STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainer airfare and per diem, if applicable.

Fees do not include required course materials or taxes, where applicable.

Prices subject to change without notice.
Find out more about courses and workshops that are
eligible for the STOTT PILATES Hosting Program