STOTT PILATES has trained more than 10,000 instructors worldwide and established an unparalleled standard for pilates education and certification. With close to 20 years in the industry, its internationally respected program requires the successful completion of rigorous practical and written examinations to qualify for certification. Plus, STOTT PILATES Certified Instructors receive the following exclusive benefit package:
Ongoing association with the world’s largest and most respected professional pilates educator, brand and network of certified instructors
Client referrals and a listing on our web-based Instructor Finder. is promoted worldwide, attracting more than one million unique visitors every year.
Instructor trainer consultation services
Access to high caliber, branded marketing support materials
Use of the internationally recognized STOTT PILATES® registered trademark and tagline: Intelligent Exercise. Profound Results.®
Professional discounts on STOTT PILATES equipment
Access to certification courses and continuing education workshops at our International Certification Center, 44 authorized Licensed Training Centers, as well as multiple hosting centers and trade shows worldwide
The right to refer to themselves as STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructors
Monthly email newsletter with updates on industry and company news