STOTT PILATES Sepbember 2009

Exercise of the Month: Breast Stroke Prep

Targets upper back.

Breast Stroke Prep


  1. Begin on a Mat, lying on your stomach. Keep your legs slightly apart, with the front of your hips flat on the Mat and hands by your shoulders with elbows and nose hovering slightly above the Mat. A Toning Ball™ should be underneath each hand.
  1. INHALE Reach upper body into a slight arch, while stabilizing shoulder blades and contracting your abdominals.
    Keep balls still and bottom ribs in contact with floor.

  2. EXHALE Roll balls out in front while maintaining spine position and abdominal engagement.

  3. INHALE Roll balls back in, maintaining upper back arch and stability.

  4. EXHALE Lengthen and lower back down to the starting position.

Complete 5-8 repetitions.

Remember to start your workout with a warm-up routine. Go to

This exercise is excerpted from the Easy Start Poster included FREE with the purchase of a Toning Ball or Toning Ball Power Pack.

Find more exercises in the STOTT PILATES Manual Library comprised of over 10 titles that document the entire STOTT PILATES exercise repertoire.

CAUTION: Please note the following important cautions before attempting STOTT PILATES exercises. Consult with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program, as not all exercises are suitable for everyone. This or any other exercise program may result in injury.

If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and consult your doctor. To reduce risk of injury, never force or strain during exercise.

STOTT PILATES videos and manuals are sold without warranties or guarantees of any kind. The creators, producers, performers, participants and distributors cannot guarantee their suitability and safety for each individual.

Any liability, loss or damage in conjunction with any use of this program including but not limited to, any liability, loss or damage resulting from the performance of the exercises demonstrated, or the advice and information given here is expressly disclaimed.