Exercise of the Month: Side Kick

Targets abductors, flexors and extensors of the hip and torso stabilizer


  1. Begin lying on your side, with pelvis and spine in neutral. Keep legs extended, slightly flex your hips in order to angle your legs forward. Ensure your ankles are dorsiflexed and the top leg lifted, hip height. The bottom arm is straight, palm down with your head resting on it. The top hand is in front of you on the Mat for stability. Ensure scapulae are stabilized.


  1. INHALE for two counts. Maintain torso stabilization and flex top hip while reaching your leg forward. Reach a little further on the second count.

  2. EXHALE Stabilize pelvis and lumbar spine in neutral and extend your hip, reaching the leg back, plantar flexing ankle and gently pointing your toes.

Complete 8-10 repetitions.

This gentle exercise is excerpted from the Comprehensive Matwork manual.

Remember to start your workout with a warm-up routine. Go to


1. Starting position

2. Flex top hip

CAUTION: Please note the following important cautions before attempting STOTT PILATES exercises. Consult with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program, as not all exercises are suitable for everyone. This or any other exercise program may result in injury.
If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and consult your doctor. To reduce risk of injury, never force or strain during exercise.

STOTT PILATES videos and manuals are sold without warranties or guarantees of any kind so the creators, producers, performers, participants and distributors cannot guarantee their suitability and safety for each individual.

Any liability, loss or damage in conjunction with any use of this program, including but not limited to any liability, loss or damage resulting from the performance of the exercises demonstrated, or the advice and information given here is expressly disclaimed.